Sunday, 28 February 2016

Geographic distributions I : Monocentered, bicentered and polycentered countries

The 25 porn-producing countries in the world can be distributed into 3 categories of geographical distribution, as follows :

a) The monocentered countries

Most of the porn-producing countries that are unitary states, centered around a big city (most of the time, but not always, the capital) that concentrates political, economic and cultural power will also witness a concentration of their porn productions in this city. This leads to the emergence of a single centre of porn, characterised by a high pornstar density, higher salaries in the porn industry and, in most cases, an indigenous (Paris, London, Tokyo...) and/or an imported porn industry (Budapest, Prague...). In countries where the local porn industry is nascent or almost inexisting (Slovakia, Romania...) these cities will often be home to amateur productions and be platforms to export aspiring pornstars to cities with a sounder porn industry.

These countries include:

Country Center Concentrat Nb of PS Of world Revenues
Hungary Budapest 89% 375 5,8% 1500
Czech Republic Prague 66% 215 3,3% 850
Romania Bucarest 56% 55 0,9% 25
Japan Tokyo 49% 405 6,3% 6000
Slovakia Bratislava 47% 15 0,2% 10
France Paris 43% 30 0,5% 100
Netherlands Rotterdam 30% 15 0,2% 10
United Kingdom London 22% 65 1,0% 400

Revenues in M$, only active pornstars are included.

b) The bicentered countries

Federal states, on the other hand, tend to have several centres of porn production. However, porn being a very competitive and concentration-prone activity, must of these countries only have 2 poles where porn is produced. These countries include Germany (Hamburg and Berlin), Russia (Moscow and St Petersburg), Canada (Montreal and Vancouver) and Spain (Barcelona and Madrid). 

c) The polycentered countries

Of all the porn-producing countries in the world, only the USA can be considered a proper polycentered one. The USA do indeed have a single centre that stands out : Los Angeles, but also a relatively high number of other cities who also present a indigenous porn production and a high porn star density. These include Miami, Las Vegas, San Diego, Chicago, Phoenix, Scottsdale and New York City. A number of other countries could be considered to polycentered, or acentred, in the sense that they display no real center, but rather a quite homogenous distribution of their porn producers and their pornstars. These include Italy (with 12% of the Italian pornstars, Torino is the main centre, but not to a point where it could be called a monocentred situation), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro counts for 19% of the Brazilian pornstars), Colombia (where pornstars tend to come more from smaller provincial cities than from the capital Bogota). Whether you consider that these countries therefore have several porn centres (polycentered) or that the have none (acentred), they stand out from the patterns generally observed.

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